AP Tests!

Yes, it's that time of the year. When people use that expression, it's usually for an exciting, annual event, except in this case, it's not. It's the AP testing weeks, and I don't think anyone's quite excited for those.
I've taken two AP tests so far, two more to go. AP Chem raped my butt and I thought I did well on AP Calc... but checking my answers with my smart friends tell me otherwise.
Physics B on Monday, and World History on Thursday. I have not had time to study for World History because of the other freaking AP tests. I'm seriously strugglin.
The mock World History test is tomorrow, and I'm sure to fail it. I'm so screwed.
Something about the AP tests - other than the tests themselves - that bothers me is that so many of my friends complain so much about their AP tests.. while they're taking one or two and I'm taking four. All those Facebook posts of "Oh, I'm gonna die" or "AP tests are killing me" just kiiind of bother me. Just a tad bit.
I studied for Chem like crazy over the weekend, took the test on Monday, studied for Calculus on Monday and Tuesday, took the test today, and now I'm studying for World History. I haven't even gotten to Physics. I have SAT testing on Saturday. It's a series of never-ending day-before-the-test studying. What Koreans call "thunder studying."
And of course, my headache has failed to cease since the day of the Chem test and comes back to haunt me merely 30 minutes after a 15 minute nap. Oh the AP season of a stubborn, little, Asian girl who chose to take four AP classes her sophomore year. If anyone, I blame myself for this.