
So. Procrastination? Yes. As always.
Life has been surprisingly getting better. Not necessarily less pressure, no, but I guess the way you view things really change the way you feel about them.
The inconspicuous connection between your mentality and emotions is pretty amazing.
What have I changed my mental views on?
Well, I decided to enjoy whatever I do. I know; it sounds cliche, but that's just what I've decided to do.
And whatever I do usually consists of doing homework. Homework has been purposefully getting fun. If you know what I mean. Haha
I really do hate staying up till 2 every day struggling to study for a test or finish homework, but that's just because I get tired around 1. I'll be staying up late again.
But I think I can handle it. I need to handle it.
Life really is what you make it.

Another cliche that occurred to me today: don't ever judge people by what the seem to be outside.
I should have realized this earlier from the book we're reading in English class and all,
but I guess I'm someone who never actually learns anything until I personally experience it.
Which is probably more bad than good.
A super deep conversation surprised me today. I wasn't expecting that at all.
He uncovered me more than anyone ever has in that short amount of time. It was kind of freaky.
And corny. Because he still had that tone of arrogance in his voice that he says is working on.
I don't think I've recently talked to a guy besides JV for more than 10 minutes on the phone. Haha
It was one of those wonderful but vigorous (?) surprises. I can't really describe it.
But knowing that I have someone like that -- no. knowing that someone like that exists in this world gave me hope.

I think the religion unit in WHAP is transforming me into a more spiritual person. lol.


  1. think about blogging this way: its good procrastination! you're learning to write for fun, like moi! :D
    and what's this about a surprising guy?

  2. Yessss. Writing should be fun. lol
    Oh. I just had a deep conversation with this guy. Hahaha
