Okay. School's started.
WHAP is not hard at all, but it's just a ton of work. I think I'd rather have it harder and less work than not hard but a lot of work.
So we took a MC quiz today, and I JUST figured out that I GOT A QUESTION WRONG. That frustrates and disturbs me to an extent where I'm not gonna be able to do anything else for at least until tomorrow's WHAP period.
And I just needed a place to vent.
Since I'm kind of done venting, I guess I'll talk about school in general.
All my classes and teachers are pretty amazing. Except my English teacher is kind of.. weirdly crazy. That's the only class I dislike so far. And my Physics teacher just makes me fall asleep with his soothing voice. There's nothing I could do about that..
My favorite classes but not necessarily favorite subjects are WHAP and Chemistry. I think I get a bit hyper at end of the day from being overjoyed by the fact that school gets out soon. And by the time debate class comes, I'm at my high level of happiness.
Besides that, there's really nothing special to school. Just so much homework.
I'm also encountering some social issues. It's not like I don't have any friends or that I'm anti-social or anything like that, but I feel so isolated from everything that's happening around me. Like, I don't feel very involved anymore. And to be honest, there is this sense of shame somewhere deep inside me whenever I hang out with my fob friends. Or I feel like I need to expand my social boundary when I'm with my debate friends.
Don't get me wrong; I love my debate&fob friends. I just feel like I don't belong in the overall community when I hang out with them.
I'm hoping that everyone has these tendency and wants to be considered/included in the "popular" group. I become ashamed of the social groups I belong to and I'm ashamed of the fact that I am ashamed. Haha. It's completely ridiculous and immature, but not. Fully mentally-developed adults even feel this way, I'm sure.
I kind of miss those 8th grade days where everyone knew each other and there wasn't a distinct popular/nonpopular differentiation.
Oh well.
Life floats.
-Kevin Baron :D

1 comment:

  1. haha the ending makes it sound like kevin wrote this, not just the quote! :P
    aaaaanyways. my guess is that people feel the way you do, but with the sort of exception of moi. i'm weird like that. while i would like to branch out and make more friends, i'm fine with being a bit of a loner. then again, i'm in my own little world a bit too much of the time...and i hated the eighth grade days and the Summit crowd. just saying. lol.
    but, i do love that debate is your happy time. :)

    xoxo, vivian
