Taking things for granted.

One of my friends recently proposed that we SHOULD take things for granted because those things come from our efforts.
But my thought is that taking things for granted is more like not being appreciative for what you were born with.
For example,  we were born with parents, hopefully ones that are loving and caring. 
And most of us were born in a family with enough money, not out on the streets or anything.
Those things that we have, but we didn't put any effort in to acquire are what we take for granted.
And that's why it's bad.
Those homeless people living out on the streets might have been abandoned by their parents or just encountered some tragic experience that they just aren't able to overcome, you know?
And of course, there are those people who are too lazy to do anything about their status and try to live of by provoking the pity of others. But that's not really the point. Taking things for granted really has nothing to do with effort. Just because you're in an unfortunate situation doesn't mean it's because you're too lazy.
There is my thought of the day.
I've recently noticed that I dwell and dig deeper into things that people say without much thought.
What can this mean..?

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